Caffeine fix during camping is sorted now! Evora Greens
There seems to be nothing more relaxing than waking up to a beautiful view and knowing you've left the city behind. But what if you've also forgotten something essential, such as a coffee maker?
Camping without caffeine is one of those once-in-a-lifetime mistakes. Here are some of our favourite ways to prepare coffee in the outdoors to help you avoid this problem. Our camp coffee recommendations aren't strictly sorted in order of coffee quality (though they're quite close). Instead, they are arranged in order of convenience.
Take a glance and think about your own circumstance. Each hiking trip is unique, so you should figure out what will work best for you and your bunch. Now let's get down to business and find a way of making coffee while camping!
1. Collapsible pour-over coffee makers
Anyone who enjoys making pour-over coffee at home will appreciate the convenience of the collapsible pour-over.
Simply open the silicone model and insert a filter containing grounds. You'll need to do nothing more than pour hot water over your ground coffee, just like you would at home. Remember to pour a small amount of water over your coffee to allow it to "bloom." Lift your filter out of the pour-over when you're finished, give it a brief rinse, and fold it up.

2. Pour-over travel mug
The pour-over travel cup approach is our next recommendation. You'll still have to heat some water separately, and you'll pour it over the coffee grinds in the same manner you would with a traditional pour-over.
A travel cup has the extra benefit of retaining heat and keeping your coffee hot. The mug could also be used for any other hot beverage, or even a delicious outdoorsy stew.

3. French Press
It is conceivable to carry the French press into the outdoors for all those who enjoy it. There are a variety of small French presses created specifically for camping, so take a look and consider what might be best for you.
A French press will inevitably require bringing something heavier and larger, but if you can utilise it for two purposes, it could be a terrific choice. You won't have to bother with any filters, which is a wonderful bonus. Dumping the grinds and giving your press a quick rinse will be all that is required for clean-up.

4. AeroPress
If you're a fan of the AeroPress, why not take it into the woods with you? These gadgets are convenient because they aren't very large or complicated, making them an excellent choice for camping.
Filters and cleanliness are two crucial elements to consider when deciding whether or not to bring your AeroPress camping. Of course, you'll need to bring some filters with you, and you'll have to properly dispose of them. In addition, cleaning the AeroPress will be more complex than cleaning some of our other favoured ways.

5. Instant coffee
While all of these are fantastic and fascinating ideas, they're a little more challenging to execute while sleeping in a tent. Of course, while sleepy eyes and up on a mountain, the simplest thing to make is basic instant coffee. Instant coffee has improved significantly in recent years, and it's now easy to discover alternatives that are both flavourful and caffeine-rich. You can also find some coffee bags in the market which are extremely convenient.

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