Ginger: A valuable gift of nature and a natural medicine for your health

Ginger is one such ingredient that is always present in every Indian household because it adds flavor to our food. The root of this flowering plant is used as a spice in many dishes and has tons of potential health benefits. Our mothers have given us hot ginger tea whenever we have a sore throat or cough. Benefits of this ginger are: It has many benefits, whether it treats nausea or treats bloating, helps with indigestion, or treats muscle pain. Ginger can also ease menstrual cramps, treat asthma, manages cholesterol levels, protect the liver, and Reduces Inflammation. It improves appetite and gives you great relief when you are suffering from a cold, cough and also helps in relieving chest congestion. It helps to make your heart healthy and protects you from cancer. Ginger tea Ginger tea is a great way to use fresh ginger root. It is full of...